Customer Testimonials

What our Customer say about us

Farida Juzar Kheraluwala

Traveller - 3.8 / Rating

The pottery making activity and the safari ride

Rashida Shabbir

Traveller - 4.8 / Rating

The visit to the Banasura dam and the zip line activity

Arif Khan

Traveller - 4.8 / Rating

Tour guides were accommodative and had the passion to deliver quality work. Cruise ride and related activities , selection of restaurants and menu and sight seeing places chosen were good


Traveller - 4.6 / Rating


Subramanian Sundararaman

Traveller - 4 / Rating

Perfect itinerary, good chauffeur, nice car,

Harihara Sheela

Traveller - 4.8 / Rating

Especially the local transportation passes were really helpful to explore the places..